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Madison, WI, United States

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friday 123110

Jerk Work:

Tabata Wall Balls
Tabata KB Snatches (alternating each set)

In the video of the DB split squat, he has the bar in the front rack rather than dumbbells, but otherwise, this is the movement. This exercise will get you used to supporting a load in the split leg position (which is what you'll need for the split jerk).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thursday 123010

Clean Work:
2. Front Squat

6 Rounds of
30 seconds of DB Burpees
30 seconds of rest
30 seconds of rope jumping, doubles or singles (try to go unbroken)
30 seconds of rest

Watch the video I linked to the hang clean high-pull. Pause the video and then step through it frame by frame and notice how his hips and knees fully extend before there is noticeable bending of the arms. We'll keep the weight light on this move so we can work speed and also proper upper body positioning (elbows high and back at the top).

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wednesday 122910

Rest Day

Sorry to have to leave you guys mid-way through, but from what I saw, it looked like you finished it as well as can be expected. It took just under 20 minutes to complete which is what I was expecting. Hopefully that was a fairly fun one for you guys. Rest up tomorrow (or come in work some weaknesses, mobility, etc.) and be ready for some clean work on Thursday.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tuesday 122810

1. Kips
2 Pullup holds (chin above bar)
3. Contralateral single-leg Deadlift

Metcon (maybe a week late, but it'll still work)
"12 Days of Christmas"
1 Deadlift, 225/135
2 Broad Jumps
3 Inverted Rows
4 Lateral bar hops
5 Air Squats
6 Walking lunges
7 Situps
8 Box jumps
9 Double/Single unders
10 DB Hang Power cleans, 40/25lb
11 MB cleans (from floor to squat)
12 MB slams

If you think about the song, you'll figure out how this workout goes. Merry Christmas a little late!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monday 122710

You'll get a feel for this next 5 week block as we go, but the readers digest version is that we are going to emphasize continued technique/strength development in the Olympic lifts (snatch, clean, jerk) with metcon work of various duration, intensity, and exercise selection. I have a template planned out, but as we go I may adjust things (sets, reps, weights, exercises, rest, basically anything) if I feel we need to.

Monday's will be devoted to snatching - improving technique and also using snatch development exercises to improve the specific types of strength needed to snatch well. Also, I won't be revealing all the details of the workouts on the blog but will give you an outline of the day. Don't worry though, there is a plan.

Monday's Workout:
Snatch training
1. Power Snatch from above knee
2. Overhead Squat
3. Snatch-grip Push Press


Also, I'll be directing the warm-ups more than I have been recently. That'll ensure that you're warmed up and ready specifically for the movements to follow.

I'm excited to keep moving forward and build on the foundation that's been laid. Let the good times roll!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Friday 122410

Bench Press, 15 reps @ 62.5%

Agility Cone Drills
We'll use a 1:2 or 1:3 work to rest ratio for all reps
Box drill
Weave drill
T drill

Quality execution of change of direction drills like these requires coordination, balance, strength, quickness, and body control/awareness. Anybody think improving these qualities won't be of value?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday 122310

Deadlift, 15 reps @ 62.5%

For time:
15 Overhead Squats, 95/65lb
75 Double Unders
30 Pushups

12 OH Squats
50 DUs
20 Pushups

9 OH Squats
25 DUs
10 Pushups

Scaling options: less weight on the OH squats, 3:1 singles for doubles (225-150-75), bands on the pushups (very strict technique: neutral spine, chin, chest, hips touch floor).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday 122110

Push Press, 15 reps @ 62.5%

Eccentric Pullups, 5-6 x 4 with 4 second eccentric phase (remember: eccentric means the lowering only; jump up above the bar, take 4 seconds to lower yourself to a dead hang)

Tabata ladder climb
1 minute rest
Tabata stationary bike

Note: if necessary, we'll add weight to the eccentric pullups if you're able to demonstrate proficiency in the first couple of sets without weight. Developing raw pullup strength will make kipping pullups a no-brainer. This is one method to do that.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monday 122010

Back Squat, 15 reps @ 62.5%

Clean practice
Today's goal is to start to get comfortable with performing full squat cleans. We'll use power and full cleans from the high hang, mid-thigh, above knee, below knee, and finally from the floor. Technique, technique, technique!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday 121710

65.0% x5
72.5% x4
80.0% x3
87.5% x2
95.0% x1

4 rounds for time
6 Kipping Pullups (we can scale with bands if needed)
12 Push Jerk behind neck
18 Double Unders

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thursday 121610

65.0% x5
72.5% x4
80.0% x3
87.5% x2
95.0% x1

10-8-6-4-2 reps (each arm) of KB Snatch, 16/12kg
5-4-3-2-1 reps of stair run

Here are a few videos going over the KB snatch. Their methods for teaching are a little different but the end result is the same. Study these and we'll practice a bit before tackling the metcon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tuesday 121410

Push Press
65.0% x5
72.5% x4
80.0% x3
87.5% x2
95.0% x1+

Technique work: Kipping Pullups
Basic kip
Lying Hip Extensions
Jumping kipping pullups
Kipping pullups

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday 121310

Back Squat
65.0% x5
72.5% x4
80.0% x3
87.5% x2
95.0% x1+

5 rounds for time
1 Shuttle run (5yd back, 10yd back, 15yd back)
6 Shoulder/forward rolls
12 DB Hang Squat Cleans, 35/20lb

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friday 121010

Bench Press, 5x3 @ 87.5%

4 Rounds for time of
10 Handstand pushups
10 Deadlift+Hang power clean+front squat

We'll scale the handstand pushups either by performing them in a pike position or with your feet on a box.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thursday 120910

Deadlift, 5x3 @ 87.5%

Metcon/skill practice
You'll have 15 minutes to do as many sets of unbroken (i.e. no misses) double unders as possible. I'll let you know what your number per set is during class.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday 120710

Push Press, 5x3 @ 87.5% (I adjusted your maxes a bit from last week based on how last week's workout went)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of
25KB Swings, 16/12kg
Run 3 laps around gym (stairs included)
20 second tuck sit (either on parallettes or boxes)

If he can do it...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Monday 120610

Back Squat, 5x3 @ 87.5%

10 Rounds for time
5 Pushups
10 Double Unders

I'm going to be very strict with what qualifies as a pushup today. We'll use bands for assistance if necessary and if you can perform them to the standards, then you'll do increased range of motion pushups on paralettes.

Yes, they do some pretty neat pushup variations, but regardless of how they perform them, notice that their lumbar spine is totally stabilized. As soon as their shoulders come up, their hips start to come up. There is also no excessive lumbar curve, meaning they are contracting their abs hard so that the force generated by the shoulders transfers to the hips via the abs, not the spine. These are the things we'll be working on and I'll be watching for today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday 120310

Bench Press, 3x5 @ 82.5%

Skill Practice - Snatch drills
Hang Power snatch+OH Squat
1 rep every 30 seconds, increasing load when possible

Joe DeFranco has created a very strong gym with some impressive athletes coming out of there.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thursday 120210

Deadlift, 3x5 @ 82.5% (of 90% 1RM)

Team Metcon
15 minute as many rounds as possible
20 Jumping Pullups
50ft. Ladder Climb
10 Front Squats, 95/65lb

Each person starts at a different exercise and can not start the next one until EVERYONE is done with the work at their respective exercise.