1) Deadlift, 3x5 (increase from last week)
2a) Overhead Squat, 3x5-10 reps (emphasis will be technique with low-moderate weights)
2b) Tuck Sits, 3xALongAP
Anaerobic Power/Capacity
Plate Pushes:
Push plate (45/25lb) 8 yards using a 1:4 work to rest ratio between reps
Do 5 reps of pushes then rest 2 minutes
Do 3 sets of that (15 total pushes)
I want you to push that plate as hard and fast as you can on every single rep for every set. We are trying to train not only your power output (has fast you can push it) but also your recovery ability between bouts of maximal effort work.
Remember the differences in the geometry of a back squat versus an overhead squat. In the back squat, you're really trying to reach your butt back, keep your shins much closer to vertical, and your back angle will be much closer to horizontal:
In the overhead squat, you want your butt to basically drop straight down between your heels, shins will be significantly inclined forward, and your back angle much closer to vertical:

Try and remember and work on these differences as we OH squat tomorrow.